Our top five social media tips for promoting your school lettings

Social media is an invaluable resource to help promote your facilities, drive more traffic to your site and increase enquires as a result.  There are only a few simple steps required to begin growing your online presence so please read on for our top tips to advertise your venue online.

1. Create

Create a page on Twitter, Facebook and add them to your BookingsPlus website in the Edit Website section of your admin system. The icon will appear on your website and link straight to your profile. If you have a YouTube channel add this in too!

2. Generate

Friend request and like your clients, their customers, local businesses and any potential hirers. Build relationships with hirers and the community whilst growing your audience and reach. You never know who might see your post and enquire! Like us and we will return the favour.

3. Promote

Use events and activities at your venue as well as your website to advertise on social media. Take pictures, videos and speak to the facility users themselves for a nice little comment to support your posts and promote your venue.

4. Share

Share images and videos on your social media pages to catch the eye and keep your users engaged when they are scrolling at lunchtime. Videos and images are more attention grabbing and quicker to absorb than reading lots and lots of boring words…blah blah Zzz.

5. Represent

Add personality and emoticons when writing your posts and commenting online. Be approachable and have fun but remember you are representing your venue and sending a message with every interaction so be mindful of personal views. Most of all, make your venue a great place to hire!

For more helpful tips, updates and information follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook!